Copyright © Thomas Fetter
Spray Booth
When I was first starting to get back into rocketry, a series was being published in High Power Rocketry magazine, written by Ed Miller, about the technique of using professional automotive paint.  I liked the quality and look achievable using automotive paint, and I've used it on all my rockets.  To get good results, and to use it safely, a spray booth is required.  Here is a look at how I built my take-apart spray booth...more
Fin Sanding Fixture
I built a fixture for sanding bevels on medium size fins using a Delta 12" disk sander.  The fixture holds the fin securely and keeps your fingers safely away from the disk.  The same fixture can be used to sand small fins by hand...more

I think I have spent more time building tools and fixtures than I have spend actually building rockets.  .  Fixtures make it much easier to do a nice job of building a rocket, and, the truth is, I enjoy designing and building the fixtures just as much as building the rockets!  Like many engineering designs, most of my designs are not entirely original, but rather evolutions of designs of others.
Foam Lathe
To make plugs for making fiberglass nose cone molds, I build a foam cutter and lathe.  It can also be used to sand tubes...more

Curing Oven
There are many examples of curing ovens in the internet, mine has one unique difference...more

Construction Tools & Techniques>
Fin Beveling Tenon Fixture
For larger fins, I use a commercial tenon fixture on a table saw...more
Construction Tools & Techniques

& Calculators


Flight Data Analysis

Tools & Techniques

Rocket Projects


